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Rosh Hashanah 5777 - October 2, 2016

According to the Torah, the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah (the Head of the Year) is one of the required feasts in Jewish culture. Come and listen to the teaching of the details and customs related to this feast.

For your online listening pleasure, please feel free to click on any of the follow messages.


the CRAVING series:
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Hineni - Here I Am

Spoken by Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah, this Hebrew word holds within it a challenge to us all.  Hineni - Here I am, ready to listen, ready to obey, and ready to respond.

Breaking Chains and Smashing Idols

In this message, Daniel looks at both the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, looking at the choices made by the kings.  He then challenges the listeners to determine if they will be of those who tear down the idols holding them down.


Preached in Wolverhampton, England (Jan 2016), Daniel challenges the church to wake up from the sleep they have fallen into and take their rightful place once more as God's vessel.

Quench Not the Holy Spirit!

Are you living in the power and flow of the Holy Spirit, or have you pushed the Spirit to the side?  In this teaching you will be pushed to open yourself up to the Spirit and his flow, and see what happens when you do.

Consecrate Yourselves

Daniel's final message given in England 2016 was the same message Joshua gave his troops - Consecrate Yourselves.  Do you want to see the wonders of God as you enter into your promise?  It begins with consecration. 

Never Surrender - A Teaching on Daniel

In his book, On The Vanguard, Daniel dives into the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den.  This teaching gives a quick snapshot of the story, but leaves the listener to answer where they may need to tighten up. 

Run, Don't Walk - A Teaching on Joseph

In his book, On The Vanguard, Daniel looks at the story of Joseph.  This teaching gives a basic overview, but also leaves the listener to question if they are running from sin, or being swallowed up by sin.  When the opportunity is there, what will you do? 

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